Featured News | NorthWest Arkansas Community College

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Golden Eagle Award Winner Gives Back to Fellow Students and Community

March 16, 2018

NWACC student and Golden Eagle Award winner Jorge feels it's important to give back to his peers and the community.

NWACC Alumna and Team Observe Cosmic Event

February 02, 2018

NWACC Alumna and team observe cosmic event in both gravitational waves and light for the first time.

Graduate Takes Advantage of Career Services Offerings to Land Job

January 12, 2018

Graduate Anne Bartira Barros Merces lands a job with Walmart and credits NWACC's career services for her success.

With Scholarship Assistance, Single Parent Pursues Associate Degree at NWACC

December 22, 2017

Scholarships have made a difference for single mom, Bernadette. She’s been able to buy books and supplies for her classes, allowing her to significantly keep her grades up and pursue an associate degree.

Career Services Coordinator Helps Students Prepare for the Workforce

December 14, 2017

Erin Hollingsworth helps students prepare for the workforce by assisting with resumes, mock interviews, social media and more.

Teacher Establishes Scholarship for Emergency Medical Services Students

November 28, 2017

NWACC Emergency Medical Services Professor Scott Byrd establishes a scholarship to help students pay for classes.

Journalism Student Plans to Change the World with Advocacy and Education

November 10, 2017

NWACC Journalism student Renato chose journalism and political science because he enjoys reporting on stories and wants to be involved in politics in his community. He believes that a good education is the most effective way to change the world.