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Nucleus: A Journal for NWACC Students
Coming Fall 2024!
If you are a NorthWest Arkansas Community College student, and a writer, poet, or visual artist - we want your submissions for a brand new NWACC publication: Nucleus: A Journal for NWACC Students.
Since 2019, NWACC students have been helping to produce the Hive Avenue Literary Journal, which publishes work from writers and artists nationally and internationally. We thought it was time to create a space designed to showcase the talents of NWACC students specifically. Starting April 2024, we will be accepting submissions from current NWACC students for fall publication in the first ever issue of Nucleus.
In beekeeping, a Nucleus is a tiny colony of bees, a starter hive, if you will – usually consisting of just a few frames of honey comb, primarily used to begin new colonies. This is what we look for Nucleus to do – start a new colony devoted to art, and the invention and individuality of our creative NWACC student community.
Nucleus will be produced by the same student and faculty editorial staff as Hive Avenue. So let your artistic side loose and be a part of something by NWACC students and for NWACC students! Check out our submission guidelines.(link
Contact Faculty Advisor Larissa Sprecher (link with questions