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Mary Schneider, Zone 7
Mary M. White Schneider is a domestic relation, family law, litigation, mediation, and ad litem attorney who practices exclusively in Northwest AR.
Mary’s office is located in downtown Rogers location of Miller, Butler, Schneider,
Pawlik & Rozzell, PLLC.
Mary has been a mediator in family, probate, and juvenile law since 2000, and was
certified in 2003 when the initial class of mediators was first certified in AR. Mary
has given many speeches on family law and mediation.
Mary joined the firm as a partner in November 2001. She began her legal career working
for the insurance defense firm of Joseph Paulk & Associates, in Tulsa in 1987. After
moving to Arkansas, she then joined the Slinkard Law Firm from 1989 until 1996, when
she became a partner in the firm of Cochran, Schneider & Croxton, P.A.
Mary has experience in domestic relations, probate, family law, litigation, mediation,
and ad litem. Mary has practiced these areas of the law throughout the majority of
her career.
Mary is a Certified Mediator and Certified Ad Litem. Mary maintains these certifications
by participating in numerous trainings each year.
Ms. Schneider has a particular connection to the college. Her late father is Dr. Donald
E. White. Dr. White is considered to be the founding father of NWACC. He was instrumental
in getting the milage passed that made way for the college, and he was the first President
of the College and first Chairman of the Board of the College. Ms. Schneider is honored
to serve the College with this legacy.